Decisions regarding Benefit Tasks

In Osiris, a percentage of the network’s assets are to be designated as “benefit tokens.” (The exact percentage is determined by democratic mechanisms described in this section.) The democracy then votes on what tasks are considered “beneficial”; they would include things like researching cures to diseases. Agents on the network can earn these designated benefit tokens by doing beneficial tasks.

A specific set of democratic mechanisms is used to decide which tasks, carried out by which Agents, are entitled to benefit tokens. As with other decision-making, this will transition from Foundation control to fully democratic control.

We introduce the role of benefit deciders: Agents authorized by the network to decide whether specific tasks fulfill the criteria needed to quality as benefit token recipients.

We propose the following:

● Each Agent gets a certain number of “benefit votes” to cast each month, based on its benefit rating.

● Benefit tasks are assigned to categories. In order for a category to be considered as a potential benefit task, it must be nominated by 2% of benefit votes cast during a month. We may create web-based tools for suggesting new tasks, soliciting votes, and easy voting.

● Once a qualified benefit decider nominates a certain task category as a potential benefit task, then the community votes on whether it should be ratified as a benefit task. Voting power on this is proportional to benefit rating. If 25% of votes cast are in the affirmative, then the task type becomes a benefit task.

● Once a benefit task is approved, any Agent capable of performing it and possessing a sufficiently high rating and benefit rating will receive benefit payment for doing it.

Research on improving the theory of benefit will initially (and perhaps ongoingly) be rated as a benefit task in order to incentivize the distributed community to contribute to this type of R&D.

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