Transitioning to Full Democracy
In the early phases of network development, the Foundation will make some of the governance decisions. Decision-making will transition in phases to a purely democratic governance as the network matures, with the following specifics:
● In years 1 and 2 of network operation (following the initial token issuance event), major changes are to be determined by the Foundation in accordance with the bylaws of the Foundation installed at the time of network inception, while minor changes will be determined by a 51% majority of OSR token holders.
● In years 3 and 4.
Major changes in the operation of Osiris: agreement of the Foundation plus a 51% majority of OSR token holder votes.
Minor changes in the operation of Osiris: a 51% majority of OSR token votes.
Major decisions related to benefit tasks: agreement of the Foundation plus 51% of OSR token votes plus 51% of benefit votes
● From year 5 onward.
Major changes in the operation of Osiris: a 65% supermajority of OSR token votes.
Minor changes in the operation of Osiris: a 51% majority of OSR token votes.
Major decisions related to benefit tasks: a 65% supermajority of OSR token votes plus 65% of benefit votes are required
Last updated