Osiris AI R&D Overview

For Osiris to achieve its goals of fostering superior AI applications across vertical markets and seeding powerful and benevolent artificial general intelligence, it must be more than just an outstanding marketplace in which narrow AI algorithms and services are matched with customers. The network must contain a certain percentage of AI agents that carry out abstract, general-purpose AI tasks. These lower-level AI agents can then be subcontracted by other AI agents carrying out more application-specific tasks and providing end-user solutions—and can learn rules more general than any one specific application area.

Toward this end, Osiris Foundation’s AI team has been pursuing a variety of AI R&D projects, in many cases continuing and scaling up AI R&D that was already being pursued in the open-source community or in universities. This section describes some of the most important of such efforts. The fruits of this R&D are expected to launch on Osiris during 2019 and 2020. As time goes on, we expect community contributions with increased intelligence and applicability, which will take most of the weight of development off the Foundation.

This body of technical and scientific effort is unique in several ways. Nowhere else on the planet, outside of a handful of large technology companies, is a comparable scale of deep AI research being conducted in a manner compatible with scalable software engineering. Moreover, while the big tech companies are focused on deep-neural-net technology that exploits their large proprietary data stores, Osiris R&D is pursuing AI within a commons-based cognitive architecture.

The AI services born of this R&D work will provide direct value to sophisticated Osiris customers who know how to use such services directly within their software platforms, and they will provide indirect value as subcontractors to other AI agents running on the Osiris platform. Such AI agents may lack more advanced functionalities and would need to submit queries to the AI agents created by the Osiris Foundation AI team to enhance their capabilities.

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