Future Technology Integrations

Why are we using Binance? We found many benefits to do so as detailed below:

Ease of use: Binance has been built with flexibility in mind, which perfectly fits our use case with Asset tokens. Binance also has the largest number of developers, which allows for well-established standards, best practices and support;

Robustness: It is, as of today, among the most robust blockchain protocols: its wide adoption makes the network validated by many and thus more secure; and

Interoperability: Binance is a protocol, a base layer on top of which all applications can build and interact with each other.

The main issue faced by Binance today is often said to be its scaling issue. Blockchains are based on three pillars: Security, Decentralization and Scalability (throughput). Historically, Binance always put security and decentralization first, at the cost of scalability and some technological improvements need to be made at the base layer to support traffic at scale. On most public blockchains like Binance, this is one of the main current concerns, and lots of efforts are in progress to solve those scaling issues, without sacrificing the blockchain trilemma.

Binance is a blockchain that has been proven by thousands of dApps and developers for its robustness and offering a large ecosystem, resources and support from developers. With the current system we are building, escrow less auctions, meta transaction, subscriptions (&cie) we can offer a great experience on Binance for non-crypto users

Osiris team is looking at layer-2 solutions (that use the main Binance chain as an anchor for security) – at the moment they are not yet ready for implementation or have not reached a production stage so that we could reliably integrate them. We will closely follow technical progresses on this topic and decide to integrate the solution that combines the best advantages for our product, use-case and users.

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