For Service Providers: The Command Line Interface

The Osiris iterface (CLI) is the primary tool for interacting with the platform's smart contracts, managing deployed services, and managing funds. It is aimed at service providers. In the near future, it will be supplemented by a web-based dashboard and control panel.

The CLI provides commands to interface with the blockchain in the following ways:

● creating and managing identities;

● registering and managing the organizations, members, services, types, and tags on the Osiris Registry;

● claiming funds from customers using MPE and payment channels;

● reading and writing metadata and Protobuf specs about AI services (these are stored on IPFS, while basic service parameters can be fetched from blockchain contracts); and

● connecting to different networks like local testnets, Binance DEX Testnet, and the Binance mainnet.

The CLI also provides service development and deployment support. It can set up new services by generating service metadata, Protobuf specs, and code templates provided by the Osiris Foundation. The CLI interacts with daemons for each service.

Security-wise, the CLI follows the same guidelines as provided by Binance for storing the private keys. When user identities are created and registered with a client, the CLI safely stores the details on the local machine and retrieves them only when it needs to interact with the blockchain.

Last updated