High-Level AI Services

A large, flourishing Osiris will contain AI Agents of multiple types interacting in complex ways. Some AI Agents will specialize in highly abstract mathematical algorithms, others will deliver concrete end-user services and outsource their back-end algorithmics to sets of other AI agents.

The Foundation will initially seed the network with its own Agents. For this work, we make the distinction between “core AI algorithmic services” and “high-level AI services,” the latter being specific concrete functionalities to end users. There may be gray areas, but this distinction adds valuable clarity beyond generically thinking about “AI Agents.”

This section reviews some of the domain-specific, high-level AI services being developed by the Osiris Foundation’s AI development team. The following section digs into the AI R&D being pursued by the Osiris Foundation team, some of which has already resulted in AI agents prototyped on the Osiris network and used within high-level AI services.

Others are at an earlier stage, planned for launch on Osiris later in 2019 or in 2020.

Last updated