Other Dynamics

As the community increases in terms of the number of creators, players and ASSETS in the marketplace, there will be an increase in the need for a utility token to reward the growing number of stakeholders participating in the platform.

● Growth Model and KPIs

The key success factors for building the ecosystem consist of ensuring an organic community growth of Creators and Players invested in the value proposition offered by Osiris while ensuring customer satisfaction. In order to ensure a progressive growth of the community and its model, we have identified key variables that will be measured and incentivized through marketing, promotional, and communication tactics to ensure the growth of the ecosystem:

  1. Creators growth rate;

  2. Players growth rate;

  3. New Assets created and uploaded per Creator;

  4. New Assets created and uploaded by OSR;

  5. Assets sold per month created by Creators;

  6. Assets sold per month created by OSR;

  7. Inflation rate of Assets in the marketplace;

  8. Average price per Asset developed by Creators (in OSR);

  9. Average price per Asset developed by OSR (in OSR);

  10. Asset price growth;

  11. Initial supply of OSR;

  12. Initial supply of OSR in the hands of Creators and Players;

  13. Price of OSR (in USD or BNB);

  14. % Commission at the marketplace.

Therefore, while the total supply of OSR is fixed, the initial amount of OSR offered to the ecosystem through creators and players will be limited to add a scarcity effect due to the following key factors:

  1. A growing number of Creators and Players which eventually will reduce the OSR available per capita; and

  2. Staking effect, increasing the time holding OSR.

Last updated