Creator Market

A primary challenge facing voxel art creators in the current gaming environment is they have limited or no legal rights to the intellectual property they create. This can result in artists or creators spending days or even months creating their in-game worlds while receiving little or no financial benefit.

Another hurdle facing players is establishing creative ownership of their works, especially if another player or entity copies the original work, modifies it or builds on it. Without a system for identifying and tracking the ownership of an item from first creation, it’s almost impossible to tell if work is original or copied.

Lastly, the common reliance on fiat currencies and credit card transactions means the element of credit card fraud is never far away. Currently, the ratio of illegitimate transactions in games can be as high as one out of every 7.5 items sold as the result of credit card fraud, potentially disrupting the entire in-game economy.

By registering every ASSET created as an NFT, Osiris allows creators true ownership of everything they create. Creators retain copyright and ownership of everything they create and can sell and trade items while receiving all the benefits for their work. As transactions are made via blockchain in Binance, credit card fraud is eliminated. Aside from addressing all of these issues, Osiris aims to bring even more value to the crafted items of CREATORS. For the first time ever, CREATORS will be able to see how their uploaded ASSETS come to life when they see them used in a LAND as part of great experiences.

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