Service Registration and Deployment Workflow

Suppose an AI developer has trained a new AI that categorizes images and wants to launch it as a service on Osiris. The process would be along these lines:

  1. Create an identity and choose the network to connect to.

  2. Use the CLI to generate the basic service templates (metadata, Protobuf specs, etc.).

  3. Deploy the service with the required group of daemon endpoints configured.

  4. Use the identity and network from previous steps to register the organization along with required members, services, type repositories, and tags.

  5. Once the service is curated, it will be shown in the Marketplace DApp. Even before that, it can be found via the Registry.

  6. Channels will be created with every service used by a customer. Each channel contains the funds used by the consumer. The CLI can be used to claim those tokens from the consumer's escrowed funds.

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