The Osiris Foundation
The non-profit Osiris Foundation, incorporated in the Netherlands, is responsible for building, supervising, and accelerating the growth of the Osiris network and marketplace.
During the initial phases of network operation, most major governance decisions will be made democratically by token holders, with the Foundation providing some high-level stewardship and practical day-to-day management. As the network evolves, there is potential for transition to a fully self-regulating Decentralized Autonomous Organization, and the network’s technical specifications and governance methodology are designed to support this.
The Osiris Foundation was formed in lat 2017 and early 2018 by the following 0key groups:
● The OpenCog Foundation, stewards of OpenCog, the leading open-source artificial general intelligence platform
● Hanson Robotics, creators of the world’s most lifelike humanoid robots
● Vulpem, a blockchain software engineering consultancy responsible for back-end work on a number of successfully designed private and public blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and decentralized applications
● Artificial intelligence software consultancy Novamente LLC, which has provided custom AI solutions for corporations and government agencies since 2001
Creating a successful combination of sophisticated initial AI Agents, a flourishing community of AI Agent developers, and a rich ecosystem of customers at varying levels of sophistication is a huge undertaking. Fortunately, the founding team brought to the project significant experience as well as a large body of open-source code to help lay the foundation for the Osiris global brain network. But the vision requires the active participation of a grassroots community seeded by the founding team, both to put software on the network and to democratize governance.
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