Technology Solution Breakdown

Osiris platform architecture is composed of several components. In terms of blockchain integration, we have a traditionally backend running on the cloud (currently using AWS) to support our web frontend. An S3 bucket is used to store the asset of the artist before they get minted. While we currently guarantee the privacy of the artist work (to protect their work from being copied prior to minting), we envision later a system that would prevent even us to peek at the artist work pre-minting.

Once an UGC asset is minted, our backend releases the ASSET on IPFS so that it becomes public. Our smart contract records the hash of an ASSET so that the owner of the ASSET will always be able to prove ownership of not only the number recorded on the blockchain (which many projects in the blockchain gaming space stop there) but also the voxel model itself as well as the various render.

Here is an overview of the overall architecture with all components represented.

● Creators can create their ASSETS with 3dsense, and upload those ASSETS through the browser

● Metamask is a web3 provider which acts as an intermediary between the User and the blockchain

● A browser in which the user will interact with the smart contracts and our server

● The smart contracts running on the blockchain

● Our server currently hosted on AWS

● The backend is being developed with Node.js, which manages the creation of an asset on S3, generating a Hash ID for that ASSET, which is sent back to the frontend so it can begin the transaction with the smart contract.

● Finally, once the transaction is confirmed we released the asset on the ipds network. ensuring that future owner will always be able to prove that what graphical representation they hold is indeed the original one.

IPFS (The InterPlanetary File System) is a peer-to-peer distributed file system that seeks to connect all computing devices with the same system of files.

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